Access Arrangements

Meet your school’s access arrangements needs with our world-leading assessment tools.

Reading Assessments, WJIV Tests of Achievement

Woodcock-Johnson IV: Tests of Achievement (UK & Ireland Edition)

Contains several standardised assessments suitable for evidence of 25% Extra Time, Scribes and Readers. This time-efficient test supports teachers with their JCQ Form 8 applications. This comprehensive tool produces highly reliable and valid data on student achievement.


Analysis of the WJIV and Access Arrangements

sparcs test


The SPaRCS is a group or individually administered standardised test that can quickly assess the spelling skills of all students aged 13-18 years.  With built-in effort indicators, the SPaRCS can highlight students capable of higher results.  Easy to use by all teachers and fast to score, the SPaRCS is a time-efficient method for assessing Spelling skills at post-primary.


Analysis of the SPaRCS and Access Arrangements

Reading Assessments, WJIV Tests of Achievement

Woodcock Johnson IV: Tests of Achievement (UK / Ire Edition) Kit

A perfect standardised assessment tool for RACE and DARE in Ireland. Approved by the DES, this battery of tests can be used as evidence for RACE and is one of the very few tests that can be used to support all areas of a DARE SpLD applications (reading, writing and maths).


Analysis of the WJIV and DARE/RACE

sparcs test


An Irish/UK normed standardised test administered in groups or individually. Approved by the DES scores from SPaRCS subtests can support RACE and DARE applications. Unique validity indicators within the test indicate when results are likely to be invalid (not a true reflection of their actual skills) or valid (likely to be a true reflection of their skills). The test can be used to screen large groups.


Approved Tests for  DARE/RACE

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