Qualification Policy

A core principle of professional test use is that individuals should use only those tests for which they have the appropriate training and expertise. Education Elephant supports this principle by stating qualifications for the use of particular tests, and selling tests to individuals who provide credentials that meet those qualifications.

All of our Assessment test products are assigned a qualification level of High, Medium, Medium Plus and Low. AN outline of the credentials and experience required to meet these levels of qualification are outlined below.

Please note that all verified Educational Organisations are automatically assigned Medium Level status. It is incumbent upon each organisation to ensure that appropriately qualified to use any tests at this level.


Customer is qualified to purchase all available Assessment & Special Needs Assessments. 

Level of Education/Training Required

Doctorate or Masters (e.g., PhD, PsyD, EdD, etc.) in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment, which includes supervised training in administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized clinical assessments. 


Certification to practice in your state in a filed related to your purchase


Certification or full active membership in a professional organisation (such as BPS, APA, NASP) that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment.


Holders of a Current Assessment Practicing Certificate (APC) 


Customer is qualified to purchase all products except advanced clinical, cognitive, and neuropsychological instruments. 

Level of Education/Training Required   

Bachelor’s degree or higher (e.g., BA, BS, MS, MA, etc.) in early childhood education or development, education, or psychology–related field, or certificationion in OT/PT or in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment AND supervised training in administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized assessments (e.g. CCET or ETAAC).  


Accredited/Verified Educational Organisations may purchase these products. It is the onus of the organisation to ensure that only qualified individuals access and utilise the tests.


Customer is qualified to purchase general screening, counselling, and instructional materials, as well as developmental tests. 

Level of Education/Training Required    

Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS) in psychology, school counselling, occupational therapy, speech/language pathology, social work, education, special education, or related field.

Masters (e.g., PhD, PsyD, EdD, etc.) in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment, which includes supervised training in administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized clinical assessments. 


There are no special requirements to purchase these products

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