- The best test for Access Arrangements in the UK
- Use SPaRCS to quickly identify students that may have additional needs and require intervention, support and exam access arrangements.
- SPaRCS can be used on the JCQ access arrangements Form 8 as evidence for extra time and scribe in the UK and RACE and DARE in Rep. of Ireland.
Quick Overview
- Authors: Dr. K. James; T. James & R. Good
- Age Range: 13-18 years
- Test Time: all subtests <40 mins
- Test Mode: Pen & Paper. Can be given in a group or individual
What’s Included?
- Examiner administration & scoring manual (1);
- Student response booklets (pack 25)
Learn more about the SPaRCS Test here
If you wish to place an order for multiple test kits or response booklets please contact our team sales@educationelephant.ie