WJIV WIIIP® – WJIV Interpretation and Instructional Interventions Program


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Spend less time writing reports, more time facilitating intervention and program planning. The WJ IV Interpretation and Instructional Interventions Program™ (WIIIP®) personalises interventions and writes reports for assessors.

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Spend less time writing reports, more time facilitating intervention and program planning.

The WJ IV Interpretation and Instructional Interventions Program™ (WIIIP®) personalises interventions and accommodations based on WJ IV and ECAD results.

The WIIIP is an ideal report writing tool for anyone that is using the WJIV Cognitive abilities and/or the WJIV Achievement abilities test.

Comprehensive Report Writing with the WIIIP®
  • Using the WIIIP enables assessors to access parent questionnaires; self or learner questionnaire; teacher questionnaires; behaviour checklists; and dyslexia checklists. Data from each of these questionnaires can be collected, collated and used by the WIIIP to generate a written report for the assessor.
  • The WIIIP will quickly generate data analysis of all scores input into the program and create a written description of performance on each test and cluster.
  • The WIIIP contains a bank of over 1000 evidence-based interventions and in real time can generate a personalised learning and intervention plan for a learner based on the scores input for their cognitive and or achievement profile, saving you hours of report writing time.
  • Reports can be generate in WORD, PDF or web pages
Dyslexia Report Writing with the WIIIP®
  • Using the WIIIP enables assessor to generate dyslexia profile reports for clients.
  • Reports can be generate in WORD, PDF or web pages
Available checklists with the WIIIP®
  • Reason for Referral
  • Parent, School Age
  • Teacher, School Age
  • Parent, Preschool Age
  • Teacher, Preschool Age
  • Classroom Behaviour Observation Form
  • Self-Report, Adolescent/Adult
  • Writing Evaluation Scale

With the WIIIP assessor can select to generate comprehensive reports and dyslexia reports for clients at no extra cost. It’s one initial licence payment for the year and a smaller annual renewal subscription each year thereafter.

WIIIP® is ideal for:

  • Linking assessment data to intervention recommendations
  • Practitioners to focus on interpretation and program planning
  • Developing personalised instructional strategies and accommodations based on test results


  • Detailed description of individual performance on each test and cluster
  • Qualitative, Developmental, Proficiency, and Peer-Comparison information for each test and cluster
  • Evidence-based and formative interventions and accommodations

If you are already a WIIIP® user and wish to renew your licence please visit the renewals page

If you wish to purchase the WIIIP® for more than user please visit the WIIIP® tiered license page.

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