WJIV Cognitive Ability – Scoring Credits & Test Record Forms (25)


Restricted Product: Qualification Level Medium Plus Required

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Additional Woodcock-Johnson IV Cognitive Examiner Test Records AND digital scoring credits (pack 25). Price inclusive of shipping. Top up your WJIV online scoring account with cognitive scoring credits here. 

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Additional Woodcock-Johnson IV Cognitive Examiner Paper Test Records (pack 25 ) AND digital scoring credits

SASC approved the WJIV tests of cognitive abilities as an intelligence assessment tool for 2-90-year-olds developed on the cutting edge of theory and clinical research. The WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities contain the most extraordinary breadth of cognitive abilities of any standardised assessment suite. They will suit the needs of any healthcare professional working within the domain of psychology or a related profession. This cognitive battery has unrivalled power yielding crucial diagnostic information and profiles of strengths and weaknesses, and is very useful in identifying exceptionalities and disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia, general learning disabilities etc.) and can be directly linked to interventions or accommodations.

Quick Overview

  • Age Range: 2 – 90+ years
  • Test Time: 5-10 minutes per test
  • Test Mode: Pen and Paper Administration; Electronic Scoring

What’s Included in the WJIv Cog Examiner Test Records and digital scoring pack?

You will receive one pack of 25 paper copies of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Cognitive Examiner Test Records AND 25 digital scoring credits allocated to your online scoring account (Riverside Score).

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